Friday, October 5, 2012

Wakuteka Take a Chance PV

So the new version of the Wakuteka Take a Chance PV has been uploaded!  YAY!

Okay, this PV has SO MUCH STUFF!  The editing was crazy cool, since it flipped back and forth between close ups, dance shot, table shot, light bars, fire shots, dance/close shots, and other shots of the girls' different features.  And the fact that shots of the members switched so quickly was amazing, and put together quite well!

My tension went UP when watching this PV.  WAY UP!  Much more than the previous version, since this had a lot more going on.  The dance sequences in this PV looked much better since it was up against black instead of white, so their costumes popped much more, and I think it matched with the song.  

The fast editing itself matched the song better, since it's so fast paced.  There were also some more flash/light effects added in this version, and it fits well with the electronic theme of the song.  It made me think of robots and aliens, which the girls seem to portray in the light bar shots.  

To be honest, I watched the PV multiple times just to make sure I didn't miss anything! XD  

Oh!  And I'm glad everyone got fire shots this time, not just Sayu and Riho like the last version had.  The fire didn't exactly fit with the whole robot/electro thing going on, but it does fit with the whole moving forward/taking chances/risks thing that the song has, so I like that it's in the PV.  


I'm still kinda overwhelmed.  In a good way. XD

I apologize if this entry isn't exactly cohesive, but I just wrote this after watching the PV, I was just too excited!

Anyway, make sure to watch the video for yourself, and I hope you like it as much as I do!


  1. Why the sudden "Verge of completion" MV I wonder? You know what, someone did mention on H!O that it may be a promotional strategy with all these MV's and I'm starting to agree. Hopefully it works out well. But I actually thought this was the completion and was hoping it was, I think it's better than the temporary.

    1. Well let's just hope the next one will be good as well!
