Kaya is the type of person who loves things to be clean, organized, and linear. She can be a bit bossy (and is sometimes known as Boss Lady). She is the motherly type, very caring, and has a tendency to take care of everyone she comes into contact with. She loves all things cute and sparkly, and can never resist plushies and Hello Kitty. She has the biggest sweet tooth on the planet, and is an avid baker. Whenever you smell something sweet coming out of the kitchen, Kaya's probably in there. She has a tendency to listen to a lot of Jpop, and Hello!Project idols are her favorite thing ever. Kpop is also on her music playlist, and she is a frequent listener of groups like Girls' Generation and U-Kiss. She's also an avid anime fan, and longs to be a magical girl spreading love and justice across the globe!

Martha is much more laid back. She does prefer things to go according to her plan, but if they don't, eh, it happens. She loves to laugh, and is constantly making others around her laugh too. Martha is like your best girlfriend. She's your wingwoman who can spot a cute guy for you, but can beat his ass if he gets too handsy. She will listen to all of your problems and send you off with advice, a laugh, and some kind of food. Speaking of food, Martha loves savory things. She has a love affair with cheese. She listens to pop artists like Keri, Katy Perry, and Gaga, as well as jazz artists like Billie Holiday and Sidney Bechet. She loves going to burlesque shows, plays, concerts, dance concerts, and watching good movies.
Although both have their differences, there are similarities between both:
*Pink is the color of choice. No Question.
*KiraKira Entertainment was created and founded by Martha, and that's when Kaya was born. The two have been working together symbiotically ever since.
*Whenever Law and Order is on (especially SVU), it must be watched. Always.
*Writing songs and choreographing dances are a huge passion.
*Performing songs onstage is the best feeling ever.
*Fashion is a means to express oneself, and yes, that does include sweats if you're expressing how dead-ass-tired you are.
*Supporting the arts is a requirement.
This blog, "Kaya's Pink Cabaret," is mainly for me to write about music that I like and how it inspires me. The bulk of what is on this blog is Jpop and Kpop idols, since idols are a huge chunk of what I listen to. I'm trying to incorporate more about Western artists, and different genres, as well as my own journey as an artist and small business owner. I hope you like my blog, and don't be afraid to contact me!
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